Ease My Safari Owner and Manager Joel Muiruri

Ease My Safari Limited is a tours and travel company based in Nairobi Kenya. The company offers safaris and adventure services to both local and international clients. Aside from making sure that the day-to-day operations run smoothly, Joel also puts together packages and ensures that all client needs and wants are met.
Joel Muiruri, Owner and Manager, Ease My Safari Ltd

We asked Joel this;

Where did you go on your last holiday?

Diani, the South Coast of Kenya. Voted Africa’s leading beach destination, Diani is full of life and adventure. There is nothing that can compare to swimming with dolphins, snorkelling, dhow rides, sea food feasting, hiking in Shimba Hills among others.

I recommend readers to add Diani to their bucket list. With Diani, you just won’t go wrong.
Joel and “Bubu” the elephant
( Copyrighted )

What 4 things are on your bucket list? 

  • A visit to Sarova salt lick lodge in September
  • A visit to Turkana, Chalbi desert
  • A visit to Rusinga islands and Kakamega forestClimb Mt. Kenya to the last peak

Ordinarily, what’s the one favourite thing you do by yourself?


How do you like to spend a rainy day?

In the office, it takes my mind away from the rain.

Describe one past action you took to improve the quality of your life.
Joel with ‘Potap’ at the background ( the only grizzly bear in Africa ) Copyrighted.

I have never been a fan of reading books even though I know knowledge is in the books but a few months ago my cousin challenged me to read “Who Moved My Cheese?” Since then I’ve not been the same. It’s a hobby now 😉

If you were governor for the day, what three things would you change about your city?

  1. Ensure no kid is on the streets, and ensure they are well taken care of.
  2. Ensure each and every street has at least 10 trees in between lanes or on the side walks
  3. Ensure buildings on each street have a uniform colour, clean pavements and sidewalks

Planning a holiday. Let us help you. We’ll ease your safari.


I recommend readers to add Diani to their bucket list. With Diani, you just won’t go wrong.


Sharing quick read articles around work, money and adulting life with selective interviews and quotes.